Flight of DreamsHarnessing the power of nature to awaken creativity, and the power of creativity to awaken passion for nature.
Comments on the FLight of Dreams Parade 2013 “The vlei as backdrop to the parade of magical birds was a powerful, unforgettable image. The dreams and realities expressed in the performances of the young people left one feeling hopeful and raw at the same time. A great experience of art as accessible, relevant and as a vehicle for change.” |
The Princess Vlei has long been a source of inspiration to artists from all disciplines. But we have also discovered that art is wonderful way to awaken a passion of environmental conservation.
The annual FLight of Dreams Carnival and Parade has grown out of a collaboration between the Princess Vlei Forum and various cultural organisations and institutions, which have jointly organised creative activities at the vlei with hundreds of School children. The initiative began in 2012, when Frank Joubert Art School, the Children's Art Center and Battswood Arts Centrer came together in an initiative to create giant dream catchers for Princess Vlei. These were made of biodegradable materials, and allowed to disintegrate naturally in the trees. Liesl Hartman, principal of Frank Joubert explains: “Dream catchers are symbols of things that catch thoughts and dreams and beaut iful things and filter good things from bad… we wanted to create three artworks that would inhabit the environment but not overpower it, that with time would wear away and become part of the environment.” In 2013, Frank Joubert, the CHildrens Art Centre and the Forum came together again to organise a programme called Flight of Dreams, to celebrate the birds of Princess Vlei. School children first came to the vlei to draw the landscape, and to observe the birds and hear about them from Shaun Overmeyer from the Cape Town Bird Club. They then went away and created bird puppets and masks. The programme culminated in an evening featuring dance and drama performances, and a night time parade around the vlei with the bird puppets. Both young and old participants were completely mesmerised by this experience. |
Ingrid Solomon, a teacher at Hyde Park Primary, remarked:
“The kids loved the whole Flight of Dreams program so much they didn't want to leave ... They had never been at the vlei that time of night or even that side of the vlei. They found it beautiful and are now consciously aware of the disaster it would be if it was destroyed. ... Imtiyaaz asked as we were on our way home. "What next miss? Lets join Save the Rhino". This to me speaks of the fact that just through this one activity the natural environment has become more real and important to them.” In 2014, the Flight of Dreams experience was enriched by the addition of the Jungle Theatre Company and eMzantsi Carnival. It started with a Meet the Birds event, where members of the Cape Bird Club, and the Cape Town Environmental Trust, introduced learners to the birds and other wildlife at the Vlei. We then had a puppet making workshop, followed by the Parade and a performance of learners from several different schools and cultural groups. Every year we have exciting programmes on offer. Please contact us if you would like to join or want to know more, at [email protected]. |